Google Docs Catches up With Microsoft Word With the Latest Editing Tool

Google Docs is one of the most widely used word processors today. It's free to use with a Gmail account and offers a decent level of power. But some still prefer Microsoft Word because of its more advanced features. Google Docs is narrowing the gap between the two programs with its new addition of the ability to display non-printing characters. This option can give writers better control over the format and help them to iron out any errors in the document. It's becoming more powerful day by day, and now with the new addition, Google Docs is even closer to the capability of Microsoft Word. Google Docs now supports the option to view non-printing characters, which is a great way to better control the formatting and iron out any errors like double spaces.

Non-printing characters are formatting markers that the software interprets to render content correctly and keep the formatting intact even when the document is opened in another app. It's a great way to make sure there are no errors in the document, as these characters can be used to identify double spaces, paragraph/hard breaks, line/soft breaks, section breaks, page breaks, column breaks, tabs, and spaces.

This new option in Google Docs can be enabled by heading to View from the top menu and then selecting Show non-printing characters. This feature is available for both Workspace and personal account holders and should be available to everyone over the next two weeks.

The new feature is particularly useful for writers who want to have better control over their formatting. It makes it easier to spot errors like double spaces, which can be difficult to spot when the non-printing characters are not visible. This makes it easier to make changes and ensure that your document is properly formatted.


The new formatting option in Google Docs is a great way to make sure that documents are properly formatted and that there are no errors. It's a useful addition to Google Docs and a great way to make sure documents are accurately rendered when opened in other apps. Google Docs is quickly becoming a powerful word processor, and this new feature is just another step in the right direction.

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