Twitter Adds New Qualification Process to Improve Community Notes

Twitter has recently introduced a new qualification process for Community Notes in order to improve the accuracy and value of the notes. The new process requires contributors to ‘unlock’ the ability to write Notes by first rating other Notes submitted in the app. 

The new process is based on the Rating Impact of the notes. Rating Impact is determined by how often a contributor’s ratings helped the community identify notes which then went on to earn a status of ‘Helpful’ or ‘Not Helpful’ among the broader user group. Contributors are incentivized to rate notes as early as possible in the process and to rate them in a way that reflects what the Twitter community will also rate them. This should help to weed out people looking to influence Community Notes with their own bias. 

A contributor’s Rating Impact increases when their rating matches the status reached by the note and decreases when they rate a note opposite the status it later reaches. To unlock the ability to write, new contributors need to earn a Rating Impact of at least 5.

Twitter has also added new features to make it easier for contributors to rate notes. For example, the app now allows contributors to filter notes by topic, making it easier to find relevant notes to rate. It also provides a ‘Helpful’ and ‘Not Helpful’ button to make it easier to rate notes. 

Twitter’s new qualification process for Community Notes is designed to improve the accuracy and value of the notes. By incentivizing contributors to rate notes early and accurately, it should help to weed out people looking to influence Community Notes with their own bias. The new features also make it easier for contributors to rate notes, allowing them to filter notes by topic and providing a ‘Helpful’ and ‘Not Helpful’ button.

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