Become a Pro in Cyberpunk 2077 with These Tips and Tricks!

Cyberpunk 2077 is an action-packed adventure game and can be quite overwhelming for new players. But fear not! We’ve put together a list of pro tips to help you navigate Night City like the true cyber samurai you are. So buckle up, sharpen your blades, and let’s jump into the neon-drenched world of Cyberpunk 2077.

Fight The Bosses – But Know When To Retreat

Boss fights are some of the toughest encounters in Cyberpunk 2077, but they also offer some great rewards if done right! Make sure to plan ahead before tackling a boss fight by gathering intel on their weaknesses and preparing yourself with suitable gear and abilities. But don’t forget: sometimes it pays off more to retreat than fight. So know when it's best for both yourself and your team to cut losses and run away from battle instead!

Mod Everything You Can Find

From weapons mods to armor enhancements, there are countless ways for players to customize their character in Cyberpunk 2077. Investing time into modding equipment is especially important if you want a leg up against tricky opponents, so make sure not to miss out on those sweet upgrades!

Visit Ripperdocs Frequently For New Gear And Tech Upgrades

Visit Ripperdocs often throughout your playthrough as they offer unique upgrades not found anywhere else, which could potentially make all the difference between success or failure during intense combat scenarios. Also, keep an eye out for new weaponry like katanas or cybernetic implants, as these could open up entirely new possibilities while blazing through Night City streets too!

Visit Ripperdocs Frequently

Don't Power Through The Main Quest

The main quest in Cyberpunk 2077 may look tempting to rush through, but don't do it! With so much content available in this massive open-world game, it's worth taking some time to explore every nook and cranny before continuing on with the story missions. This will give you plenty of opportunities for side quests, unlocking new abilities, and earning rewards that can make your journey easier later on!

Be Wary While Distributing Skill Points

As you progress through Cyberpunk 2077, you'll accumulate experience points which can then be used to upgrade V's skillset. When choosing how to distribute these points, carefully consider whether a particular skill tree is really going to benefit your playstyle, don’t just pick something because it looks cool! If a skill isn't offering anything useful or interesting in terms of gameplay, then save those points until something better comes along later in the game.

Hack As Many Access Points As Possible

Hacking is one of V's most powerful tools, so make sure to exploit it as much as possible when exploring Night City. Not only will hacking access points unlock all kinds of goodies (from discounts at shops to opening locked doors), but doing so successfully also yields extra experience points, which come in handy when upgrading V's skillset down the road. Also, keep an eye out for hackable cameras. They're great sources of intel if used correctly!

Contagion Is One Of The Best Quickhacks

Speaking of hacking. If there ever comes a time when stealth fails or combat gets too intense, then consider using quick hacks instead – specifically “Contagion”, which does significant damage over time against multiple targets at once (very helpful during boss fights). Just remember that each quick hack takes up memory space, so use them wisely; otherwise, you won't have room for any other hacks during battle sequences!

Contagion Cyberpunk 2077

Don't Stress Too Much Over V's Lifepath

Depending on what lifepath option players choose at the beginning (Nomad/Corpo/Street Kid), they'll start their adventure from different locations within Night City, each with its own set objectives and rewards, making no two playthroughs exactly alike even after multiple replays! So if one path isn't working out well, just restart again – there are plenty more options available throughout the entire game, no matter where V starts off from originally.

Complete All Mid-Game Quests Before The Ending

Once V reaches a mid-game level (around levels 25+ish), try completing all available side quests before moving onto endgame content – many offer big rewards such as rare items or exclusive perks that could come in handy during difficult battles later on down the line (including special upgrades!). You also get additional XP bonuses while playing these missions, so why not take advantage?

Consumables Are A Merc's Best Friend

Consumables are essential items every merc needs while traversing Night City; think health packs, first aid kits, etc. Make sure you always have enough stocked up before heading into battle since they often come with special buffs like extra armor protection, increased damage resistance, etc. These items provide invaluable support during firefights, especially when facing off against tougher opponents late into endgame content – never underestimate their usefulness!

Make Use Of Crafting And Consumables

It's no secret that crafting is one of Cyberpunk 2077’s greatest strengths. Not only can crafting give you access to powerful weapons or armor upgrades, but it also allows you to craft certain consumables, such as healing items or even buffs that enhance certain stats temporarily during combat. So make sure not to overlook these features – they could mean life or death in tight situations down the line!

Make Use Of Crafting

Be Mindful Of Area Difficulties And Missions

In order to maximize progress throughout Cyberspace 77, players need to carefully consider which missions they choose while also being aware of their surroundings at all times; this means keeping an eye out for mission difficulties as well as areas where enemies might pop up unexpectedly. To ensure success during any mission or activity, always check ahead of time how difficult something might be before diving in headfirst – otherwise, things could go south very quickly!

Explore High Grounds For Rewards

Exploring high grounds often leads players towards rewards such as rare loot drops or new side quests. However, many gamers overlook this simple activity due to its lack of visibility from ground level. If playing stealthily is more your style, however, then make sure not to forget about these hidden areas when planning out strategies for navigating Night City – these high points offer great opportunities for reconnaissance too!

Be Careful Around People In-Game

It goes without saying, but always exercise caution when dealing with NPCs while playing Cyberpunk 2077; whether its conversations with police officers attempting bribes (which never ends well) or simply socializing at bars with locals who have information on upcoming jobs – anything can happen, so just stay vigilant at all times whenever interacting with others within Night City’s boundaries.

Pick Up Everything – Even The Small Stuff

Night City is full of secrets and hidden items that can give you an edge. Don’t be afraid to pick up every item, no matter how small it may seem – you never know when it might come in handy! Plus, picking up items can unlock achievements and rewards throughout your journey.

Explore Every Mission Type

Cyberpunk 2077 offers all sorts of missions, from stealthy infiltrations to full-on gunfights. Don’t just focus on one type; explore all mission types available so that you can better prepare yourself for any situation that arises during your journey. This way, you'll stay sharp and flexible when taking on whatever comes next!

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