How to Use the Gmail Mobile App: Basics and Tips

If Gmail is not the number one free and business email suite, it’s definitely in the Top 3. It’s not just because Google offers its email services to everyone for free and adds 15 GB of storage for any documents, attachments, etc. It’s also because Gmail is very convenient. And if you’ve been on other email services for all that time but decided to switch to Gmail, it’s a good decision.
We will review the installation process with an iPhone, but trust us, it’s almost the same on Android, though you will need to install the app from Google Play Store like you do. The process is, indeed, very similar, as Google does its best to unify the experience on both major platforms.


The first step, as it always is on mobiles, is to install the app from the app store. So your first step is:
Run App Store and enter “Gmail” in the search field. You won’t have to scroll: the app you’re looking for is the first, after Apple’s native mail app, which is just context-advertised.
Tap on it. This is how its page looks.
Then press “Install” (or Download, if you have previously installed it), right under the name. The download icon on the screenshot means I have already downloaded it and now just repeat the process. 
After the app is installed and you have launched it, the home page is nearly blank.
The only button available there is “Sign up”, and, as without an account, an email app is useless, let’s create an account (assuming you haven’t registered one yet).

Account Setup

After you tap “Sign in”, the app offers you options:
As you see, you can use various mail services with the Gmail app. But as you have chosen Gmail, it makes the most sense to create a Google account. It’s the first on the list. So, let’s tap it.
For the next action, Google will open its site in the mini browser. Yes, you need to tap “Continue” to continue, so you will provide some information about yourself to Google. But that’s what you’re here for, right?
Create an account. For this purpose, I will create a new one – just to demonstrate how it feels in 2022.
Choose whether you’re creating an account for yourself or managing your business. In fact, you can manage it with a personal account – it depends on the scale of your business. So, let’s pick the “For myself” path.
This information should be correct, Google insists. On the other hand, if you enter fictional details, how will they check? They can only limit its features for underage users, so let’s assume our dictionary advisor is an adult (which is correct, by the way).
As for gender, “rather not say” is an available option, along with “Male”, “Female”, and “Custom”. Well, no matter what is your case, you know how to handle it, I hope. As for the name, I chose to call myself “Wise Advisor”, and this is what it resulted in.
The name you enter (even a bogus one like this) is used by Google to suggest you an email address. The numbers attached to the words are not as random as they might seem. The biggest problem with Gmail in 2022 is that it was launched in 2004, and everybody has had enough time to pick the best name. So all the short names are already taken, and you need to follow the suggestions… or be a bit inventive.
As you see, the easiest way is not that easy: [email protected] is already taken. So, forget my “rather not say”: maybe “mrwiseadvisor” is still free?
And what about “Sir Wise Advisor”? Wisdom should be respected, modesty be hanged! Let’s try?
Bingo! So, choosing the right name will require a bit of creativity. Later you can change it in the app.
Then you need to confirm your phone number.
And then, you will receive a code from Google that you will need to enter to confirm that this number is indeed yours. Beware: with prepaid numbers, this method may fail, so you better choose a postpaid one. Or maybe even get one to enjoy your Gmail and other services that use SMS verification.
If the phone number is used on the same iPhone, it’s parsed from the message automatically. As soon as it arrives:
Then you will need to read the “Privacy and Terms” (not so long, though you may want to skip it) and tap the “I agree” button.
Would you like to receive notifications? If so, tap “Allow”. If not, your email will still arrive, but you will have to check it manually.


If you want, you may add another account and manage it within the same app. It may be your existing Outlook or Yahoo account; they should provide instructions on how to use their email addresses with Gmail.
But one is enough, to begin with. Your account is so far empty, except for the notification that Gmail now has Google Meet embedded, so you can use the app for video conferencing as well. Still, I’d recommend the standalone Meet app for that.


One of the best things about Gmail is its sorting algorithms. While, for example, Outlook selects the most important emails and shows them in a separate tab next to “All”, Gmail is much more flexible. As you see on the screenshot, it has a lot of categories that many emails you receive fall into.
To access the folder list, you need to swipe from the left edge of the screen. This will also expose the Settings icon (as always, it is gear-shaped) and let you send some feedback.
In addition, you can:
·         Star some emails to quickly access them
·         Snooze some of them so the app reminds about them later
·         Schedule outgoing email, so it’s sent when you want it to be sent. For example, if you’re caught by inspiration at night, you can schedule the email you’re composing to be sent in the morning, so the recipient won’t miss it.
·         Create drafts and refine them later
There’s a folder for any of these purposes. In addition, you can create custom folders and sort your intense email correspondence as you like. To create a custom folder, do the following:
1.    Tap the “Create New” link on the folder list
2.    Give the new folder a name
Then you can create some rules to direct certain emails to that folder automatically. But that’s the next level. I’ll only say that if you send emails of a certain type to your custom folder for long enough, one day, Google will learn the rule and automatically send them there.


As you have set up your account, you will be prompted to choose whether you’d like to receive notifications. If you only plan to use the account for emails that matter, you should choose “Allow”. If you prefer to check your mail manually to sift significant letters from spam yourself, your correct answer is “Don’t Allow”.
You have seen this while creating your new account. Later, though, you can always change your mind. On iPhone/iPad, you need to go to your general Settings and set it up there.
In the Settings app, go to “Notifications”.
Choose “Gmail” on the app list there
If the notifications are turned off, you need to switch them on. And then set it up as you like. The options, though, are not from Gmail itself, but rather from iOS.
Here you can finely tune them. Given the updated lock screen in iOS 16, the settings are very deep, and you can customize them the way you like.


There is more to the Gmail app. For example, you can control your Google account from it. That’s how to change your name if you have changed it for real or just want it to reflect your personality better.
Tap on the profile icon in the top right corner.
Then choose the “Personal Info” tab and tap the “Name” section.
Tap the “Edit” button
And then enter the name that suits you better.
When you’re done, tap “Save” in the bottom right corner.

The Conclusion

There is much more to Gmail, but you will learn more about it as you use it. The most important things to know as you’re just starting it are all here. I wish you good luck with this service, as it has established its position as the world leader in the industry in these 18 years. 

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