Google Classroom

Google Classroom Review

OS:Education Varies with device
Author:Google LLC
10000000+ downloads
Publication date:July 20, 2020
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Google Classroom Review: Perfect App for E-learning

Google Classroom is an online platform, designed for management of the learning process and communication between teachers and students. It allows you to create lessons, post assignments, check progress, and share documents.

Interface 10/10

Having created the course, you get to the main panel: in the horizontal menu there are three tabs. In "Ribbon" all the updates are shown, in "Tasks" you can see all available materials, and the section "Users" contains information about classmates and teachers. I like the minimalistic design, inherent in Google products. Nearly all people, far from technologies, will understand how to use Google Classroom.

Features 8/10

The application integrates with other G-Suite applications. Teachers can save their Google Disk documents, use Google Sheets, comment and edit student's work in real time. I must say that Classroom is not a replacement for Moodle or ILIAS. There is no support of the SCORM standard.

Exercises are published on the Tasks tab. There are several formats for testing knowledge: surveys, tests, etc. You can give additional instructions in the attached files, use the Blank Quiz template, or create a questionary with several answer options. In the latter case, there is the option of commenting on the answers of other students.

By default, all works are evaluated on a special scale, and deadlines remain open. However, these options are easy to configure: select the necessary system, and specify deadlines up to minutes and seconds.

It's possible to work offline. Even when the Internet connection is absent, both students and teachers have access to tasks in the mobile application. All information is automatically cached every time the Internet is connected.

Performance 7/10

I must note that Google Classroom sometimes performs incorrectly. One day I just couldn't even get access to my account. To my mind, such a problem appeared after the update. Nevertheless, I've never seen any freezes in the app itself: everything works quickly even not on the newest devices.


The app is distributed for free, and it can be used by all owners of a personal Google account. In such a way the company tries to help all teachers and students who stay at home. Google Classroom contains no ads that's why your attention won't be distracted.

The Verdict

In my opinion, Google Classroom has got great chances to become a popular international platform for online learning. Nowadays, when almost all types of content become digital, this app can provide you with effective learning sessions. If you are looking for a learning platform, then you'd better try Google Classroom.

Charlotte Brown
Charlotte Brown

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